10 Rounds with Tyson

The Secret Society of Beards that have been charged with making Fly Fishing seem impossible took a major blow to the chin area this week when a team of brave purist found a long lost piece of the puzzle.

The annual round up of the Blue Hairs (Fly Fishing Shows) leaves many a fly shop across the Rockies bare and empty and not very well defended. With a fairly risk free opportunity at hand, teams of Dry Fly Nuts conducted several secret operations in search of lost evidence that would make fly fishing less of a hassle. What they found was beyond anyone's expectations. Where they found it is top secret still.

The recovered artifact has been proven authentic and researchers have reported that it is the missing scroll explaining how to use a net. Believed destroyed long ago by Mob groups connected with hatcheries and stocked fish the scroll is being described as "part of the holy grail of Fly Fishing." This has the potential to change everything we ever learned about using a net.

Photo Credit Duane Redford. One of my favorite "flush" images.

So apparently just putting Trout in the net doesn't guarantee they are breathing happily.

Time after time I have witnessed anglers net a fish and proceed to walk around with said fish out of the water, still helplessly trying to recover from a fight for its life, literally. The secret scroll explains that after netting fishy we are to gently place net in water so fishy can recover somewhat peacefully. It goes on to explain that unless its butt hooked, there is not even a need to remove the hook right away. Mind blowing isn't it?

When the net is properly held with the fish's head under water (some anglers think fish breathe through their tails) he or she is recovering not suffering. Modern nets are designed to safely make sure that fish ain't going any where, there is no big hurry, the fish is simply  a very embarrassed prisoner.

Somebody smart put it this way to me once:
"Think of going all 10 rounds with a monster like Tyson in his prime. You make it to the final bell, dead tired and exhausted after fighting for your life and your corner rewards you by shoving your face underwater so you cant breath for 2 minutes afterward". Not cool.

Making some guy hold his breath during the grip and grin project seems a bit much, but I could see where it might be fun for some.

The ancient truths have been revealed. The net is a life support system not a trap. It only works properly when submerged.

Rest peacefully confused Fly Fishermen of the 21st Century, there are forces of good working tirelessly to make this sport both easier and a whole lot less serious about itself.

Carry On

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