The Crip Keeper. Works even better with a bead.
It's awkward turning your lens around. The brain of the camera has no connection to the lens any more and the focal length becomes very small, not to mention a gremlin could crawl in the exposed guts end.. By manually operating the aperture lever at the end of the lens the shots began to come. There is still a ton of blurriness, probably due to the fact that the shutter is open for 10 minutes while both my carpenter hands are on the camera. Guess the next purchase is a cable release so the camera doesn't move.
PMD Moltin MayFly
So's I guess the 3 of you who read this blog can thank my new Reversing Ring from Australia for all the dirty little secrets I'm about to take pictures of. They work and I've got a couple of filthy one's. I have plenty of my clients time to experiment with; thousands of hours of research and development go into this seriousness don't cha know.
Drop Zone Caddis
Great flies...........I intend to try to tie a few............James